The featured special offer for March is Triplets , a beautiful oil painting of a mother polar bear & her 3 cubs

At this moment, original Canadian artwork sent to the U.S. is tariff-free. As this can change at any time, all my artwork shipping outside of Canada will be handled though my Saatchi Art site, because I don’t want you, my wonderful collectors, to have any price surprises. Saatchi is an expert on international shipping & you will be told the total price upfront.


The Big Picture - Art & Land . Happy Earth Day to You!

American artist Andy Warhol sums it up exactly "I think having land and not ruining it is the most beautiful art that anyone could ever want to own." Today I was reunited with a painting I feared had gone astray. On exhibit at an unknown location through an art rental service experiencing difficulty, I feared this was one painting I may never see again.

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Follow the Yellow Fish Road

Yellow Fish Road Photo copyright Christine Montague 2009 I just answered the door to a team of five middle school students wearing road safety vests.  My "blink" intuition (yes,  as in the  Malcolm Gladwell BLINK sense)  wasn't kicking in.  My brain could not equate the facts - students in safety gear, the lack of chocolate bar boxes and  school  not yet out (it's only 1 pm)  - and my experience, i.e.  they want money.

To my pleasant surprise, what these young people were selling, was awareness.

These young Mississauga Peel School Board Students working as "Trout Unlimited Canada" volunteers, were spreading the word "only rain in storm drains" .  They were giving  a friendly reminder , and an important one , too, that storm drains connect directly to our local streams, rivers and lakes.  As well, as part of the Yellow Fish Road campaign, they had just painted  a yellow fish by drain on the road by my house.

You may be enlightened  to learn , as I recently had, that in most cities, storm drains do not connect to the sewage treatment plant & that oil, salt, soap  &  fertilizer goes directly and untreated into your local waterbody!

What does this have to do with art?

Well, aside from the friendly, humourous and hopefully effective, creativity of the campaign, it is also another reminder to artists to responsibly dispose of our environmentally unfriendly materials.

And any campaign that has young people that might not normally paint, and have them think it is fun to paint, even it it just a yellow fish by the side of the road, is golden in my book.

For more information:

Yellow Fish Road

Trouts Unlimited Canada

Region of Peel: For Safe Disposal (unwanted chemicals, paints, oils) 905 791 9499

Report Spills & Dumping:

Into watercourses - Ontario Ministry of Environment Spills Action Centre 1 800 268 6060

Into storm drains - City of Mississauga 905 615 3000

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